Happy New Year + 20 Little Known Secrets About Me

Happy New Year SMS Community! Hope you all kicked off the new year on a high note. If you’re new here, welcome! Thanks for stopping by. Get a cup of your favorite drink and let’s get acquainted. If you’re an OG follower, welcome back my friend! Thanks for riding with me into 2020. Let’s begin this year with a fun post! I’m going to spill all the tea and let you guys in on 20 little known secrets about me.

Between you and me…

I am ridiculously clumsy. I can’t even count the amount of times I have fallen, hit myself with an object I was in full control of, or sprained my ankle. My worst fall was down the stairs at an apartment complex. I ended up with my arm in a sling and an air cast on my ankle due to a sprain with that one. I was out of work for an entire week.

My most embarrassing fall was in the parking lot of Sam’s Club. I was wearing a cute dress and heels when I toppled over after stepping in a small pothole. I mooned all the shoppers walking behind me. At least I was wearing cute panties that day. A nice gentleman helped me up. I’m sure he was laughing internally. My last fall was actually caught on my Ring doorbell camera last year. It’s hilarious. I replay it occasionally when I need a good laugh.

I have an annoying amount of allergies. I have a food allergy to green onions and a milder allergy to milk (although I still consume it from time to time). I am allergic to cats and did not know it until I was in my 20s. I had cats as pets all my life so it made me really sad to learn that. I’m also allergic to mold, dust, pollen, grass, and the list goes on and on. My best friend jokes that I need to live in a bubble.

Did you know?

I used to write poetry and stories as a child. I was really good too. My teachers would encourage me to get them published but I was too shy back in the day. I threw most of them away…like an idiot. I really regret that. I won a couple of writing contests and even won some scholarships to college for my essays.

I hate flying. People are usually shocked to hear that because I travel so much. Flying makes me super anxious. I get so nauseous because the pressure impacts my ears. I have tried everything to help with the pressure. Most recently my husband got me the studio Beats headphones which help in flight but does not help at all during landing. I love to travel though so I just see it as a necessary evil.

I’ve always wanted to be a ballerina. I have great rhythm and coordination. I even tried an adult ballet class last year. It was super tough but I loved it. I may try it again this year.

I used to be a liturgical dancer for church during my teen years. This is where my love for dance started. I danced with my best friend for a while until I went to college. I also taught the youth at my husband’s church how to dance during my college years.

It was the scariest day of my life.

I almost got kidnapped by a pedophile while working as a hostess at a hotel as a teenager. This story deserves a video or a separate blog post someday.

Only a few people know that…

I almost gave up on becoming a nurse. I strongly considered changing my major to business at one point while I was in college. I was tired of taking so many science classes and thought a business degree would be easier. I considered becoming a general manager. After a long hard chat with my dad, I decided to stick with it. It was the best decision ever.

I plan to live in another country at least once…even if it’s just for a season. I think it would be so cool to live outside of the US. I have friends who took short term jobs for a year to the Middle East, China, and Japan. They say it was one of the best things they ever did so I want to experience the expat life at least once. I would love to do a summer or fall season abroad. Can you guess where I’d like to go?

I want to retire early! I don’t want to work all my life. My goal is to retire from my job by the age of 55 or I may be forced to start chanting “give us us free” like the dude on Amistad. I’m already tired of working at 35. I started working a real job in the summer before 9th grade and I think 55 is long enough to contribute to the workforce. I’m not opposed to retiring even earlier though. Currently working on a plan to build wealth. I would love to be a millionaire by 40. I need to see if I have a rich uncle somewhere who would like to contribute to the cause.

I love pranking my family. It keeps them on their toes! I always do it when they least expect it. Sometimes they return the favor. My niece is starting to get good at pranking people as well. I trained her well.

I’m not fluent in French but I can sing 2 French songs. I took French for one year in high school. I don’t remember a lot of French terms but I remember the 2 songs we had to sing for our school’s Christmas program. One song is Aux Champs-Elysées and the other is Ce matin j’ai rencontré le train.

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Driving and riding in the mountains freaks me out. The roads are so narrow and sometimes there are no guardrails to prevent going over the edge. It makes me super anxious when I driving next to an 18-wheeler in the outside lane. This is why you rarely see me on a vacation that includes the mountains.

I used to be a tomboy with no sense of style! I hated wearing dresses and looking girly. My go to outfits were jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers or Timberland boots. It wasn’t until my freshman year of college that I transformed into the little diva you all know and love.

I listen to songs from every genre…except rock because in the words of Michael Blackson in Friday “I can’t get jiggy with this…” My favorite genres are gospel, R&B, pop, and I love classical instrumentals of popular songs.

Random bits

I love amusement parks but I don’t like riding rollercoasters . My heart always feels like its about to beat out my chest whenever I get on a rollercoaster. I don’t like the feeling of falling and being thrown around. I definitely don’t think they are safe.

I love any type of artistic expression. My ideal outing is visiting a cool museum, going to a concert or play, or watching a dance recital. Hamilton is one of favorite Broadway plays. I still listen to the soundtrack occasionally. I have a goal to see a new Broadway show this year.

I can speak very little Spanish but that doesn’t stop me from trying whenever I go abroad. I took years of Spanish in high school and even some classes in college and I still am not able to hold a full conversation. I can pick up bits and pieces here and there so people think I’m fluent. My Venezuelan uber driver on my recent trip to Miami told me I was pretty good so I must be getting better, right?

I would love to be an interior designer someday. I think I have a good eye for interior styling and I can spend hours perusing in home decor stores. My friends and family have encouraged me to pursue my passion for years. It’s in my 10 year plan to make it happen.

Last but not least, I was born prematurely. It appears I’ve been impatient since I was cooking in my mama’s womb. My mom delivered me when she was only 8 months pregnant by emergency cesarean due to preeclampsia. Bonus: I stopped breathing once as an infant and turned blue. My mom panicked but luckily my grandmother was there to resuscitate me. Your girl was almost a goner but God and Granny had my back!

That’s all folks. Hope you enjoyed the post. Let me know a little known fact about yourself in the comments below. Do me a favor and like and share this post with a friend. As always, thanks for reading SMS community! I will chat with you all in my next blog post. Deuces!

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