Yellow Skirt + Magenta Accessories

I am uber creative and I love to create pretty much anything. It makes my world a more exciting place.  I have been feeling kind of uninspired lately so I decided to reach out to my Facebook friends to get a little help getting the creative juices flowing. I asked my friends to leave a picture on my status of anything colorful that inspired them. From their photos, I would challenge myself to create an outfit using the colors in the photo. They were happy to oblige. Not only were their photos very beautiful, I loved the color schemes.  I woke up yesterday morning super excited about creating some outfit looks. Needless to say the juices are flowing like a river. I will be sharing all the results here on the blog.

This first outfit inspiration came from these 2 photos submitted by Addie B of the blog Old World New.

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The three colors that instantly grabbed my attention in the photos were magenta, white, and yellow. I recently scored a yellow skirt during one of my thrifting adventures with my cousin and I have been waiting on warmer weather to wear it. This photo gave me the perfect idea on how to style it.


Outfit Details:

Jacket: Old Navy

Tee: Target

Skirt: Thrifted

Necklace: Can’t remember sorry 🙁

Purse: Canal St NYC

Shoes: Nine West (old)

All these outfit elements came together seamlessly to make for a fun and colorful outfit pairing. I could totally see myself wearing this outfit out for date night, to brunch, or even to church during the spring and summer. Best part about this outfit is that I didn’t have to go out and purchase any of the pieces. They were already hanging out in my closet.

So tell me how do you think I did? Could you see yourself wearing these colors together? Would you like to see more outfit posts like this? Please COMMENT and let me know. THANKS!

If you want to be featured in a blog post, leave a comment with a photo that inspires you on the Creativity Arise Facebook page.

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