Whew chile! People are really out here doing the absolute most over the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The media is causing mass hysteria and it’s so unnecessary. I work in the healthcare field and I am over here cool as a cucumber. If anyone has a reason to worry, it would be the healthcare professionals who are on the frontline of this crisis and working with limited resources. However, the consensus among the medical professionals that I work closely with on a daily basis is that this fear of COVID-19 is getting out of hand. So pull up a chair friends and lemme tell y’all why we should all take a collective deep breath and keep calm in the midst of this pandemic.
First of all…
Don’t get caught up in the hype. Before you rush out to clear the shelves at Costco and CVS, do your own research. Side note: why are y’all buying so much tissue? Help me understand. Please make sure you are getting your information from reputable sources, not WebMd or Dr. Google. I recommend the scholarly websites like CDC or Johns Hopkins University. Johns Hopkins actually has a real time data tracker that shows the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus around the world, the number of deaths related to the virus, and number of patients who have recovered.
The mainstream media is only focusing their attention on the people who have died from coronavirus, not those who have made a full recovery because RATINGS.
There have been *113,605 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally according to the Johns Hopkins online dashboard tracker . Of those confirmed cases, over 63,663 people have made a full recovery while 4,012 people lost their lives and others are still being treated and monitored. That’s means 3.5% of these cases have ended in a fatality while over 56% have recovered. While it’s unfortunate and sad that 4,012 people lost their lives to this pandemic thus far, we must recognize that we deal with an even deadlier virus in the US on a yearly basis.
Have you heard of Influenza?
Did you know that there have been more flu related deaths in the United States this season than coronavirus related deaths around the world?! The CDC estimates that there will be between 20,000- 52,000 flu related deaths this season which started in October 2019. The number of deaths has increased significantly since the 2018-19 flu season. Put that in perspective.
Yet no one was out here cancelling major events, stealing surgical masks and gloves from hospitals, and price gouging hand sanitizer for $149 on Amazon while millions of people were catching the flu. 🙄 On a side note: if y’all are willing to pay these outrageous prices, let a sister know. I will personally make you some hand sanitizer and even ship it to you the same day. It’s literally 2 ingredients. I will even drop a few essential oils in it for you so your hands will smell like oranges and joy.
Do y’all remember all the other viruses that the media warned us against?
It seems like there is a new one every few years. Did you get SARS (which FYI was another strain of coronavirus)? the West Nile virus? Ebola? Zika virus? MERS (which is another strain of a coronavirus)? the Bird flu or Swine flu?
Yes? Well guess what, you survived boo! Look at you sitting here reading this post, undead. Won’t He do it!
No? Well, you can thank your functioning immune system for protecting you. It appears that people who have the highest risk of contracting this respiratory virus are those who have weakened immune systems like older adults and people with chronic health problems like heart, lung, and kidney disease. Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious effects from a COVID-19 illness. The CDC states that there is no evidence that children are more susceptible to the virus.
What can you do to protect yourself from the apocalypse…I mean COVID-19?
The best way to prevent getting sick… drum roll please…. wash your hands ya filthy animal. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. I still for the life of me cannot understand how people can use a public restroom and exit without washing their hands. I digress.
Singing the Happy Birthday song or the chorus to Love on Top by Beyonce is a good way to pass the time. Heck find your favorite song with a catchy 20 second hook or chorus and have yourself a little concert in the bathroom while washing your hands. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
If you are sick, stay at home. Cover your cough. Avoid sick people if possible. Stay at least 3 feet away from sick people to be safe. Clean shared surfaces with a disinfectant. Now is the time to reinforce your personal space boundaries. You can be vigilant but don’t take things to the extreme.
You can read the flyer below to learn everything you need to know about the Coronavirus.

Long story short, stay calm guys.
Now please note I’m not trying to downplay the severity of this illness for those who are immunocompromised or the elderly. However, I want you guys to realize that the coronavirus is very similar to other common respiratory viruses out there. Follow the CDC’s recommendations and keep your immune system strong by eating nutritious foods, exercising, and reducing your stress level. And as the old people say, stay prayed up. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk on COVID-19.

Now I wouldn’t be a good travel blogger if I didn’t mention the travel perks related to this coronavirus frenzy. I know. I know. I’m terrible but y’all love me so just let me make it this time.
Airplanes are the absolute worst mode of transportation in terms of infection prevention due to their tight quarters and recycled air. However, due to the widespread panic, domestic and international flights are super cheap right now. If you’ve been yearning for a vacay, now is the time to buy! You can book flights for later dates in the year just in case air travel is suspended at some point. Some airlines like American Airlines are even allowing free cancellations if you purchase a flight before March 31. Just saying, shoot your shot using wisdom to avoid travel to areas under surveillance.
Disclaimer: This blog post provides general information and discussion about the coronavirus. The information and other content provided in this post, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as a substitute for seeking professional medical expertise or treatment from your healthcare provider. The opinions and views expressed on this blog post are my own interpretation from scholarly data and are not affiliated with any academic, hospital, health practice, or other institutions linked in this article.
*Number is subject to change. This was the reported number of confirmed cases at the time this article was written.