The Wanderlust Tag| Blogger Edition

Recently I have been watching a ton of YouTube videos – specifically travel vlogs. I came across this awesome tag called the Wanderlust Tag and I was hooked. It was initiated by vlogger AmandaMuse and has become very popular on YouTube. I decided that I wanted to join in on the fun by answering the questions in a blog post 🙂 So here we go!


1. What’s your most treasured passport stamp? Surprisingly I don’t have a passport yet but I plan to change this very soon!  🙂

2. Can you recite your passport # from memory if asked? (Y/N, don’t give out your info online please!) No because I don’t have one yet. I’m certain once I receive it, I will memorize the number straightaway because I have a “beautiful mind” when it comes to numbers. For some reason whenever someone tells me a number I remember it instantly. My family loves to use this to their advantage.  I currently have all of my debit cards, my husband’s debit cards, important birthdays/dates, social security numbers for myself and my family, as well as phone numbers memorized. I even remember telephone numbers from my childhood. It’s a good thing I’m not a common criminal or a lot of people would be in trouble!

3. Preferred method of travel; planes, trains or automobiles? My preferred method of travel is automobiles! I love road trips. I love passing through different communities and getting to experience what the town/city has to offer. You don’t get the chance to do that flying across the country in an airplane or riding a high speed train through a city. 

4. Top 3 travel items? This is a tough one. I would have to choose a pair of comfortable shoes for sightseeing, a camera or cell phone with camera to capture the moment, and a bottle of hand sanitizer to wash away the germs since I seem to get sick easily! I don’t think I would want to travel without any of these items.

5. Hostel or hotel? I have never stayed in a hostel so I suppose my preference for now is a hotel. I am not opposed to staying in a hostel as long as it has the option of a private room and is pretty clean. I have heard that the hostels in Europe and Asia are pretty nice.

6. Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places? I love to explore new places! I have visited a few places twice but most of my travel experiences have been to different areas throughout the US.

7. Do you read up on your destination (culture,history,safety) or do you wing it? I have a type A personality so I definitely do my research before going on vacation. The only time I have gone somewhere and just “winged it” has been on spontaneous weekend getaways that my hubby has planned. I let him be in charge of the details in those instances.

8. Favorite travel website? I know it only asks for one but I couldn’t decide so I will give you my top 5. I never stay anywhere without researching it on TripAdvisor! You get the good, the bad and the ugly on that site and I love it. I also love and for competitive pricing for hotel accommodations. I love looking at Travel + Leisure‘s website for travel inspiration and great tips on saving money, vacation destinations, etc. I even subscribe to their magazine. And last but not least I love Yelp for brutally honest reviews on restaurants. 

9. Where would you recommend a friend to visit? Name city & why.  Without even thinking twice I would recommend a friend to visit California! It is such a beautiful state. Anywhere you go you will be pleased. If I had to pinpoint a specific location I would choose Irvine (Orange County), CA. I would choose that area because you would be central to several beaches like Long Beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, etc. Also you are within a short driving distance to San Diego, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica, etc. so there is always something to do and somewhere to go! It’s a very beautiful area.

10. You’re leaving tomorrow, money is no option, where are you going? I am going to Europe! I’m hopping a flight to London staying for a few days, taking the Eurostar to Paris and Brussels and ending in Southern Europe in Italy and Greece. Can you tell that I have thought about this once or twice?

Well in the words of Porky Pig “that’s all folks!” It’s a pretty cool tag so feel free to join in on the fun!

P.S. Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win a pair of custom earrings by yours truly! More details here 🙂

Until next post,



  1. 07/17/2013 / 10:59 am

    I’m such a sucker for travel vlogs/blogs. Thx for the info on the wanderlust tag!

    • 07/18/2013 / 5:54 pm

      No problem! If you do it please link back. I would love to check out your post 🙂

    • 07/18/2013 / 5:53 pm

      No problem! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

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