Sunday in the Garden

Today was a rather laid back day for my hubby and I. We didn’t do anything really noteworthy. My husband has been working diligently to complete his final grad school project and I have been well…let’s just call it experimenting. Lucky for you all, I have a lot of blog posts planned for the future 🙂 Anywho we decided to go outside for a while to get some fresh air after being cooped up in the house all day. To my surprise it was very warm! So my hubby was gracious enough to take some marvelous pictures of me in the garden. He did an awesome job!

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Notice anything different about me? I’ll give a few seconds to figure it out….. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Ok by now you should have realized that my hair is different! This is one of the many experiments I have been trying out this week. I am on a hair journey to learn how to manage my natural hair. My hair is rather curly & coily!  It’s usually difficult to manage but I have been doing a lot of research on different products, hairstyles, etc. to try to work it out. I really like this hairstyle. It’s really effortless and no heat needed which is a definite plus! I am going to try not to do any braids in my hair for the rest of the year. Let’s see how this goes.





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I love this oversized cardigan! It’s a new purchase I got from NY and Company during their Everything 50% off sale. I was initially wearing my gray flat boots with this outfit but the hubby said I was in gray overload so I switched it for these black flat boots (I think the gray looked better).

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I picked one of the beautiful roses in my garden. Can you believe this things are still blooming in the fall? I love this color. It’s so vibrant. I never realized how hard it was to break the stem on these things.By the time I finally got this one of the bush, I had been stuck by a thorn at least 3 times. It’s beautiful though so I will let it slide.

I hope your Sunday went well. Did you do anything exciting? I would love to hear about it!

Until next post,


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    • 11/26/2012 / 9:24 am

      Thanks! It’s a bantu knot out 🙂

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