Style Speaks Event Recap

I have been feeling quite inspired lately. On Sunday, I heard a powerful message by Bishop T.D. Jakes that inspired us to release of inner lion from the cages of fear and doubt and allow our instinct to propel us to our destiny. It made me think of the social butterfly that I have been working to set free inside of me. Two weeks ago, I saw a flyer for a fashion show in Austin. I wanted to attend but every time I thought of going alone, I dismissed the idea. And then the unexpected happened. I bought a ticket to the event (after a little encouragement from my husband and mom) and went alone! I am so glad I did. It was so much fun!!

The event took place at Fiat of Austin and was hosted by Heather Frierson, the founder of the Created Woman magazine. It was called Style Speaks and combined two of my favorite elements: fashion + faith. Upon entering the event, attendees were greeted by hosts and walked the red carpet to enter the venue. Attendees also received swag bags filled with awesome goodies upon arrival. I was lucky enough to receive a $50 gift certificate to Langford Market in my swag bag. I can’t wait to spend it in May 🙂


There were motivational speakers as well as beauty and fashion experts who offered inspiring words to the audience. They encouraged us to be aspire to be who God has called us to be and to look good while doing it!

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There were vendors from various boutiques such as Etcetera, etc.,  Desiring Eden, Langford Market, Stella and Dot and more selling beautiful items to jazz up our Spring time wardrobe.

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There was a doctor providing free health screenings to attendees, authors selling their books, and a DJ spinning on the 1’s and 2’s. Beauty experts provided makeup application tips and you could even create your own nail polish. To top it off, there was free food and a photographer present who took complementary photos and placed us on the cover of the Created Woman magazine as a party favor.

The fashion show was really unique! The clothing for the show was provided by several local and online boutiques, Desiring Eden, Altar’d State, and Luxe Apothetique, and by 12 year old Austin based designer Isabella Rose Taylor.

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Isabella Rose Designs
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Luxe Apothetique

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Altar’d State

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Desiring Eden

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Overall it was a great event and I am overjoyed that I stepped outside of my comfort zone to attend. I had a good time and met some amazing people. I have plans to attend more events in the future. This social butterfly is hatching from her cocoon.

Do you enjoy fashion shows? Have you ever attended a fashion show alone? Let me know in the comments below!

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Texas Women Bloggers


  1. 03/29/2014 / 7:08 pm

    OMG…how awesome and power to you for overcoming a fear to experience something that you love!! FASHION! 🙂 TXWB is actually in the process of re-planning a Charity Fashion Show for the fall up in the DFW metroplex. 🙂

    • 03/29/2014 / 7:21 pm

      Thank you Taylor! The fashion show sounds awesome. Please keep me posted 🙂

  2. 03/30/2014 / 11:37 pm

    Wow! I am in awe of you. I would never have been able to muster up the gumption to go to that show alone. Congratulations! Style and Fashion have never really been my thing (I’m still wearing the mid-rise Lee Rider’s I bought back in the late 90’s (hahaha); but it looks like this show was a blast. Great photos, great story, and great victory for you. 🙂

    • 03/31/2014 / 6:10 pm

      Thank you Trixie! I did have a blast. I don’t consider myself an extremely fashionable person. I just like what I like. I say if it makes you happy, keep rocking those jeans! Good jeans are hard to find.

  3. 03/31/2014 / 3:55 pm

    Ooh that looks fun. I’ve never been to a fashion event. Good that you stepped out of your comfort zone and had such a great time!

    • 03/31/2014 / 6:07 pm

      You will have to go to at least one fashion show in your lifetime. They are so much fun! I love the creativity. Thank you for reading 🙂

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