
I have a sparkly little sequin skirt that has vied for my attention since New Year’s Eve. I planned to wear it to bring in 2014 but unfortunately I brought in the new year sick in bed so I didn’t get a chance to wear it. I have saved it for the right moment and it seems today was the day. I slipped that bad boy on and got all gussied up even though didn’t have any plans to leave my house. I am actually in the process of packing up my home to get ready for our next move. When my hubby came home and saw me packing in sequins and heels, he probably thought I was a little bit crazy. As I get older I realize that I don’t always have to have somewhere to go to get dolled up. I just do it because that’s what I felt like doing that day.  Everyday we are alive should be cause for celebration. No one knows what tomorrow may hold so why not sparkle today?

ootd 6:18



What do you do to add a little sparkle to your day? How would you style a sequin skirt? Let’s chat about it!






  1. 06/20/2014 / 1:30 am

    I think that’s a great idea! I have so many evening dresses that I buy and sit in the closet. I should just play dress up! I find if you are feeling blue then fixing yourself up on the outside makes you feel better on re inside!

    • 06/20/2014 / 8:46 am

      Thank you! You should definitely whip those dresses out and prance around in them every once in a while. You would be surprised how awesome you would feel. Take lots of photos too 🙂

  2. 06/20/2014 / 1:32 am

    I think that’s a great idea! I should play dress up with things in my closet! I think if you are feeling blue making yourself look fancied up on the outside makes you feel better on the inside!

  3. 06/20/2014 / 9:24 am

    You look gorgeous! I love your sexy Nine West Hells. I also spend some time playing the clothes in my closet and fun- the blending and matching of colors and style.

    • 06/20/2014 / 1:08 pm

      Wow! Thank you so much 🙂 Playing dress up is so much fun…even as an adult! Thanks for reading.

  4. 06/20/2014 / 8:05 pm

    Cute outfit!! Those shoes are sharp!

    • 06/20/2014 / 8:27 pm

      Thanks! They were a birthday gift. I absolutely love them 🙂

  5. 06/26/2014 / 8:22 pm

    I need to dress up for no apparent reason more often. I love “why not sparkle today”. Why not indeed!

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