In a matter of 10 short days, I will be 30 years old. I still can’t believe it. Yesterday I sat on my couch reflecting on this period in my life. I like to take a moment to do this from time to time. It helps to keep me humble and grounded. I can truly say that I am so blessed! I am extremely grateful for the life I have been gifted. I have had trials and tribulations just like everyone else but I find myself thanking God for them as well. They have shown me how strong I am. They have also helped to mold me into the person that I am today.
I have accomplished a lot during this decade. I married the love of my life. I have graduated from college and grad school. I started an awesome career in nursing. I have moved around the country. I have traveled to places I have only dreamed of going. I have met people along the way that have affected my life tremendously. Of course along with the good comes the bad and the ugly. The bad: I also have faced various health issues that I never even imagined I would face and watched people I love fight for their lives due to cancer. The ugly: I lost 2 of my grandparents to Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. I have had a host of classmates too soon due to violence. Overall, I must admit the 20s have been pretty amazing.

My hope for my life going forward will be to fulfill my purpose on this earth, to have a positive impact on the people around me, and to live out loud. I hope to be able to put my reservations aside to allow my personality to shine. Life is not promised so there is no time better than the present!
How do you celebrate milestones in your life? Have you taken a moment to reflect on your life lately? Let’s chat about it!