Popping Bottles on a Yacht

Hola! Como estas?  Hello everyone! We have now been in beautiful fishing village of Puerto Morelos in the state of Quintana Roo for 2 days now. Yesterday was a relaxing day. We got settled into our condo and spent the rest of the day as beach bums. We tried out an authentic Mexican restaurant here at the resort for dinner. It was pretty good. My hubby ordered sopas with a shredded pork topping and I had the black bean wraps. FYI: I have had a weird obsession with beans for like 6 months now. I guess my body is really craving protein. After dinner, I crashed because I did not get any sleep the night before. I guess I was too excited for the trip. My husband went to a watch a Caribbean dance performance in the resort’s courtyard. Before I got settled into bed our butler brought up some chocolate covered strawberries with a sweet message.

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Why yes, I did say that we had our own personal Geoffrey the butler. His name was Julio though. He came as a gift with the all-inclusive package. Awesome, right? I wish I could pack him up and bring him back to the US with me. He is pretty awesome with his mascara and foundation wearing self. His makeup is pretty flawless…I have been wanting to ask him to teach me a thing or 2.

Today we explored the resort more. We went to the beach and then to the El Cocay Spa Maya for a couples massage and hydrotherapy.


It was amazing…at least the massage was!! The hydrotherapy I could have skipped. This was the first time I experienced a sauna. I’ve always seen them on movies and wondered what the hype was about. After about 5 minutes I came to the conclusion that I am not a fan. I mean seriously…who came up with this crazy idea? My idea of relaxation is not laying down on a hard wooden bench in a blazing hot room sweating with a red light beaming on my forehead.  It was at least 150 degrees in that place. The spa staff came in and put a cold towel on my forehead to “help” with the heat.  I feel like I got a steam facial with that thing. I ended up cutting my sauna experience short. I could have easily have sat outside in my car in Texas with the windows rolled up and felt that miserable without paying a dime. After the sauna, the staff wanted me to cool down so they placed me in this ice-cold rain shower. The idea was nice but all I kept thinking while I was in there was how hard it was going to be for me to detangle my hair. After the shower I got into the hot tub with 2 rather antisocial women before being reunited outside with my husband. We were taken by the staff to an oceanfront massage station under a palapa on the beach. It was so relaxing to listen to the waves crashing as the masseuse worked out all the tension in my arms, legs, and back. It was so enjoyable that I didn’t want to leave after our 50 minutes were up.

After the massage we headed back to our room to get ready for…wait for it…a sunset dinner cruise on a private chartered yacht! I just have to tell you guys my husband is amazing! We have never been on a private yacht before but it is definitely an experience I will cherish forever. We rode with the crazy race car taxi driver again to go into Cancun for the cruise. That man tore my nerves up. One thing I can say about Mexico is the beaches seem to get better and better! The driver was nice enough to stop at the playa public de Cancun (public beach in Cancun) so that we could take a photo.


After that we arrived on the yacht for our dinner cruise. I am a certified water baby so I enjoyed every minute of it. I was a little nervous to walk on the ledge of the boat while it was moving because I cannot swim! I was afraid that I might slip on the wet surface and fall so I had a man in front and in the back of me while we scaled the ledge to get to the top deck. Once we got to the deck, I was in nature lovers heaven. The scenery was stunning.

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After relaxing for a bit we returned to the lower deck for a steak and lobster dinner complete with champagne.

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We weren’t going to drink the champagne because we are not big into alcohol but I figured hey what the heck. I said I wanted to end my 20s with a bang so I’m gonna pop some bottles on a yacht like the rich & famous. #YachtLife as my younger cousin B. Racks would say. Little did I know, its not as easy as it looks. I struggled a little bit…ok a lot but with a little help of our waiter I was able to uncork the bottle finally and it flew into the ocean. As I expected, I did not like it at all. I just can’t get used to the taste of alcohol.

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After dinner we just enjoyed each other’s company and took some photos before arriving into the marina. It was a romantic way to end the cruise. It’s also the first time I have seen my hubby genuinely smile in a long time and that made the experience even more special.

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After we left the marina, we stopped at a Mexican flea market in Puerto Morelos for a few trinkets before returning to the resort. We didn’t eat much on the yacht due to fact that all of our friends warned us not to eat outside of the resort so we were still a little hungry when we got to our room. We decided to try a light meal at the Thai restaurant on site. It was the best meal we ate while at the resort. I ordered vegetarian spring rolls with sweet and sour sauce and my hubby ordered the spicy shrimp.

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We were stuffed after eating so we decided to take a long stroll on the beach before coming back to our room. This day has been absolutely amazing. I am excited about tomorrow. We have planned a day trip to Tulum to see the Mayan ruins and the beach. It’s rated one of the top 10 beaches in the world!

Whats the most memorable experience you have ever had on vacation? Have you ever been on a yacht or boat? Let’s chat about it!

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  1. Kami
    05/26/2014 / 4:00 pm

    Really cool, Brittany! Glad you had such a wonderful time for your big 3-0 birthday!

    • 05/26/2014 / 4:56 pm

      Thanks Kami! I had a blast!

  2. 05/27/2014 / 6:39 am

    Wow! That experience sounds amazing! And I might have had to risk illness – I don’t think I would have been able to hold myself back from that lobster and steak!!!

    • 05/27/2014 / 1:48 pm

      We had a blast. It was definitely hard to fully resist so we ate some of it. Just not all of it 🙂

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