MegaFest 2013 + Dallas Vacation Recap

Back in August, my husband and I attended MegaFest with over 50,000 other people in Dallas. It was an amazing event filled with empowerment seminars, inspirational messages, celebrity appearances by singers, actors, politicians, and much more! It was so inspiring to be surrounded by so many people from different countries around the globe who had gathered together for a common purpose- to praise the Lord! This is my 1st time attending MegaFest but my 3rd time attending Woman Thou Art Loosed. Each time has been a great experience but this experience has topped them all. I couldn’t even put into words how uplifting this event was. All I can say is it cannot be explained, it can only experienced! On top of attending MegaFest, JC and I ate great food and saw a few downtown attractions between services. Here are a few highlights from my trip.




The food at the Owner’s Box was good but the service left a lot to be desired. I probably would not return voluntarily.
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This building reminds me of the Louvre in Paris! Can’t wait to visit the real one some day.

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This place is delightful! It is definitely a restaurant I would highly recommend if you are ever in Downtown Dallas.Pin this image on Pinterest
This place is delightful! It is definitely a restaurant I would highly recommend if you are ever in Downtown Dallas.
This Cajun Shrimp & Grits entree was delicious. I was raised on the coast so this dish was a refreshing twist on one of my favorite coastal meals.Pin this image on Pinterest
This Cajun Shrimp & Grits entree was delicious. I was raised on the coast so this dish was a refreshing twist on one of my favorite coastal meals.
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Donald Lawrence sharing his inspiring testimony about being healed from cancer!
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My absolute favorite part of the conference…Girl Talk! I love that it featured women from different walks of life. Very empowering!

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Singer Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child speaking joyously about being delivered from depression.Pin this image on Pinterest
Singer Michelle Williams of Destiny’s Child speaking joyously about being delivered from depression.
Such a lovely group of positive, ambitious, Christian women !Pin this image on Pinterest
Such a lovely group of positive, ambitious, Christian women!


Actress Kerry Washington better known as Scandal's Olivia Pope speaking about how she balances her faith and her career.Pin this image on Pinterest
Actress Kerry Washington better known as Scandal’s Olivia Pope speaking about how she balances her faith and her career.
Sarah Jakes interviewing actress Meagan Good about being in the spotlight.Pin this image on Pinterest
Sarah Jakes interviewing actress Meagan Good about being in the spotlight.


Praising the Lord!Pin this image on Pinterest
Praising the Lord!
Leaving the American Airlines Center. Feeling exhilarated after an amazing closing session with Bishop Jakes.Pin this image on Pinterest
Leaving the American Airlines Center. Feeling exhilarated after an amazing closing session with Bishop Jakes.


Have you ever attended an event of this magnitude? I would love to hear about it 🙂




  1. jojosbeautyguide
    10/03/2013 / 3:50 pm

    I have never been to such event but, just by your post I can tell how empowering it was. I will be looking out for the next event and hopefully I can attend and experience the inspiration which comes along with it. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience xx

    • 10/03/2013 / 4:02 pm

      No problem! I love sharing my experiences with all of you :). If you do decide to go next year, please let me know. I would love to meet you! Thanks for reading.

  2. 10/05/2013 / 5:51 am

    Brittany is this an every year event? And if so, when does it usually take place? Did you guys visit the Dallas Cowboys?

    • 10/05/2013 / 7:36 am

      Hi shawnalexus! Well this is the first time that MegaFest has taken place in 5 years. From what I understand the event will be biannually now. The conferences under the umbrella of MegaFest (Woman Thou Art Loosed, ManPower, etc) are annually. WTAL usually occurs in October of each year and ManPower in August. They also have youth conferences but I’m not sure of the month for those. We did not get to see the Dallas Cowboys this time. My husband has attended events at the stadium in the past though. Thanks for reading 🙂

        • 10/05/2013 / 9:37 am

          WTAL is a women’s conference that consists of empowerment seminars during the day and church services in the evening. Lots of popular gospel singers and preachers along with thousands of women from around the world come to praise the Lord over a 3 day period. It has been in Dallas, Houston, Atlanta over the past 3 years. I am not sure where it will be next year. I have been following @wtalconf on Twitter waiting for the update.

          • 10/05/2013 / 4:01 pm

            Thanks brittany

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