Then Life Happened

Have you ever heard the saying, “we make plans and God laughs?” Well, that saying has been very applicable to my life lately. At the beginning of the year, one of my goals was to do A Weekend Away every month for a total of 12 trips this year.

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I started off strong in January with an amazing weekend trip to Atlanta. In February, I planned to visit Houston and Waco and for March there were plans to head to Austin for SXSW… then life happened.

In February my beloved MacBook Pro that I had for 5 years had a tragic accident. It was definitely an unexpected loss. If you’re team Apple, you know that those bad boys are super expensive.  I knew that I would need to save up my coins to replace it. So I decided to forgo my planned trip in February and save that money to use towards the purchase of my new computer. *P.S. This is also why I’m just getting back to blogging, just in case you’re wondering. 

Then, life happened again. The leadership at my job changed at the end of February. Of course, new leaders equal organizational changes. Well one of those changes included my schedule.

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My previous schedule was amazing. I worked Monday – Thursday and had Fridays and weekends off every week. It was awesome. Now I work a traditional work week which kinda sucks. Since the change, I have been extremely busy with work. As much as I wanted to go to Austin during SXSW this month, I just did not have the time.

To be quite transparent, I’ve been bummed about the last 2 months of epic fails in scheduling. The silver lining in this situation is that I have learned a lot about myself in 2017. I realized that I am a young millennial woman who wants it all. I want to be a great wife, friend, sister, and daughter. I want to educate and empower student nurses to change the world. I want to save money to have financial security for the future.  I want to blog my life and all of its misadventures. Most of all, I want to travel the freaking world.

The reality is I haven’t yet figured out how to do it all! One thing I do know is that I’m just going to take it one step at a time. With that being said, hang on to your coat tails because in the month of April, A Weekend Away will resume! South Carolina, lookout here I come .

P.S. Speaking of South Carolina…How about those Gamecocks?! Final Four here we come.


  1. Celia martinez
    03/28/2017 / 1:02 pm

    We all have to many plans and ultimately He has the
    best plans. In His word He says ask and you will receive
    so in due time and at His perfect time ? Love you Brit
    and hopefully I get to see you if you make it to SC !! Love
    these blog posts!! Glad your back ?

    • Brittany
      03/29/2017 / 12:47 am

      Thanks for the reminder. Love you too 🙂 Call me so we can talk about SC.

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