Happy Mother's Day

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Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. We appreciate your patience, love,and all your sacrifices. Take this day to focus solely on you…if possible. You ladies definitely have the toughest job in the world!

My prayers also go out to all my readers whose mothers have passed away, those who face infertility issues, and those who have strained relationships with their mothers. May the Lord comfort you on this day and always.

Of course I would be remissed if I didn’t send a special shout out to my lovely mother, Shawn. I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for your love and support throughout the years. Today is also a special day because it marks 2 years since my mother has been cancer free! I praise God for healing her body so she can be with us for years to come.



What is your most memorable moment with your mother? Share it in the comments below.

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