Hanging out with Mom

My mom came to visit me during Thanksgiving for a week and we had a blast. It was the first time she visited me in my new location in Texas and I wanted to show her a good time. During her time here, she showed me that you can have a great time without spending a ton of money. One of the things that we did was take a lot of photos! My mom has always had a knack for photography. She used to take classes back in her day. I have tried to convince her to start a photography business on the side because I think she is talented. I am pretty sure I inherited my creativity from her.

Yesterday before she left,  we visited a coffee shop in the Houston area called Tout Suite. They have pretty good hot cocoa and some decent breakfast tacos. I was hoping for a more extensive breakfast menu but nonetheless it was a cute little breakfast joint with a great atmosphere.

Tout Suite
I ordered the potato & egg and sausage & egg breakfast taco with some hot chocolate.
Tout Suite
They have a pastry section in the Suite as well. I decided to try red velvet, ginger snap, and creme brûlée macarons for the first time to see what the hype is all about. I am not a fan.
Tout Suite
Mom enjoying a Texas root beer.
Instagramming my hot cocoa like all the bloggers do ;)Pin this image on Pinterest
Instagramming my hot cocoa like all the bloggers do 😉

Tout SuitePin this image on Pinterest

Tout SuitePin this image on Pinterest


Tout SuitePin this image on Pinterest
Super cozy look for a rather chilly morning in Downtown Houston

Tout SuitePin this image on Pinterest

After leaving the restaurant, my mom and I head to the Discovery Green in Downtown Houston to take a short stroll in the park. It turned into another impromptu photo shoot.

Out in the weedsPin this image on Pinterest
Out in the weeds, hair blowing in the wind.
Discovery GreenPin this image on Pinterest
Probably checking Instagram again. I’m a little obsessed.

At the end of the morning we did a little shopping in the Pearland Town Center before I dropped her off to catch her flight back home. While walking through the shopping center, Mom spotted a boutique with these beautiful Tiffany blue doors. Of course she had to capture the moment and I didn’t mind.

Pearland Town CenterPin this image on Pinterest

I was really sad to see her go but I will cherish our time together. These photos are proof that all you need to have fun is be in the presence of good company. A great camera and talented amateur photographer doesn’t hurt either 😉

Hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday!

1 Comment

  1. 12/08/2014 / 1:04 pm

    You, your lovely mom, and your photos are GORGEOUS!!!!

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