E is for Empowerment Seminar

My husband and I attended MegaFest back in August. During the event there were a plethora of break out sessions to suit many different interests. My husband and I decided to attend one called the “CEO of Me” together. What intrigued me about the session was that the speaker, Tony Gaskins, was a 29-year-old Christian relationship coach/ life coach/ self-made millionaire who was bringing in over 20 streams of income using his natural God-given talents. He was a college dropout but his innate entrepreneurial mindset and wisdom has led him to a great deal of success. I was really excited to hear him speak. He had only 40 minutes to speak to the massive audience but during that time he really inspired me to look within myself and to find the courage to tap into my own gifts and talents.  After the show, Mr. Gaskins decided to meet with members of the audience in the Literary Cafe for an hour to sign any books or for a photo-op. I really wanted to meet him to tell him how much I enjoyed his presentation. When I finally got to meet him, I was a little nervous.  I am such an introvert when meeting new people.  Fortunately, he was extremely down to earth (and a little country like myself) so I felt at ease. We even took a photo together.


He conversed with my husband for a few minutes and we learned that he would be hosting the full 6 hour version of the “CEO of Me” seminar the following week in our town.  My hubby and I knew we just had to attend! So we bought our tickets and decided to make a date of it!

The class was held at the Westin in Austin, TX. It was a rather informal gathering of 20 people. We learned a lot during those 6 hours. One of the main things I took away from the course was how to identify what my natural talent was and how I could turn it into a form of income. According to Tony, your natural talent is the thing that you would find yourself doing as a child without prompting. As I thought back to my childhood, there were 2 things that stood out. One of these things was writing (surprise surprise!). My mom even confirmed that I used to write on everything and about anything.  I used to write short stories, poetry, songs, etc. I can remember her finding a poem that I wrote and having me read it in front of my family at a holiday dinner party. Writing has always been my passion now I just have to figure out how to use it to my advantage.

We had an hour intermission for lunch so we decided to check out this little restaurant called the Park at the W hotel. Oh my goodness! The quesadillas that they served were a little bit of heaven on a plate! They were Chipotle Chicken with Ranch and I had them to throw in some spinach to incorporate a veggie. It was so good! Spicy but good.


We headed back for the remaining time during the session and then said farewell to all the wonderful people we met. Although an empowerment seminar is a rather atypical date, I am glad we did it.  We were empowered to step outside of our comfort zone to reach our God-given potential, we met amazing people, and we got to spend quality time together. Overall it was a good date :).


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