DIY: The Thankful Tree

If you are a Pinterest fanatic like myself, you may have seen one of this year’s popular Thanksgiving centerpieces , the Thankful Tree, posted on various boards in your feed. If not, here is an example:


Photo credit: Pinterest

I loved the idea of incorporating this tree into my Thanksgiving/ Fall decor but I wanted to take it a step further than just a few twigs in a jar. I wanted my tree to be in living color! So I headed to Hobby Lobby to pick up a few items to make it happen. Luckily HL was having a sale on their floral stems 50% off…score….so that made my job even easier!

Here are the supplies I used for this project:

10 floral stems in various fall colors

a bag of rocks (not pictured)

a bag of American moss

styrofoam ( I would suggest a bigger one than pictured)

string or twine

a large vase 

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Step 1: Remove price tags. Place styrofoam and rocks in bottom of your vase.

Step 2: Begin arranging your stems based on your preference. I made sure that the color were a little more prominent that my green stems to make it look more like a fall tree.

Step 3: Using you twine or string to pull stems together to form tree trunk. Secure with a knot.

Step 4: Place moss around tree trunk to add more stability to the centerpiece.

Here is what you base should look like.

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Step 5: Fluff, fluff, fluff and fluff some more to create the tree shape that you prefer.

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Step 6: Stand back to make sure that you are pleased with your handiwork. If not continue with step 5.

Step 7: Enjoy!

Here in the finished product:

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Initially I wanted to hang tags with what we are thankful for from the branches but I thought it might be overkill. I may still do that this weekend but I am kind of torn right now. What do you guys think?

The sign was a free printable from TomKat Studio. I just used some scrapbook paper and a frame from Goodwill to create the sign. I purchased a roll of mesh ribbon and transformed it into a table runner for the centerpiece to rest on. The total cost of this project was less than $30!

What will you have as your Thanksgiving centerpiece this year? Share in the comments below.

P.S. Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win the Thanks+Giving giveaway. The winner will be announced on Thanksgiving Day!


1 Comment

  1. 11/24/2013 / 3:33 pm

    Love this idea! Can’t wait to see what it’ll look like on Thanksgiving 🙂

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