A Year in Review 2012


As with any year, 2012 came with its share of ups and downs. I would much rather reminisce on the good times than the bad. Of course I wanted to share the highlights with all of my friends here on the blogosphere. Here is a list of my top 10  moments from this year. Let’s do this countdown style!

10. I celebrated my 2nd/3rd semester as a nursing professor. I never imagined that I would ever become a nursing professor but it turned out to be one of the best career moves that I have made- thus far. I love teaching and love working with my students. They have all been amazing!

9. Starting this blog has been so awesome. I got to meet so many other bloggers from all over the world. I also enjoy having a creative outlet and finally being able to relate to people who share my passions.

8. I got to go to Atlanta for Woman Thou Art Loosed, spend time with my stepsister who I had not seen in a long time ,and also spend time amongst thousands of other women praising God. It was amaze balls! Can’t wait to do it again in Dallas Aug 2013.

7. I got to travel A LOT! I absolutely love traveling. Flying…. not so much! My hubby and I got to visit a lot of places we haven’t been such as Las Vegas & California. Can’t wait to see what next year brings.


6. I got to go on a mother daughter trip with my mom and sister in law to Jacksonville FL. It was the first time we had been on vacation together. We had a blast!


5. Celebrated 5 wonderful years of marriage with my awesome husband! Such a beautiful milestone. Time seems to fly when you’re in love <3 <3 <3

4. A couple of weeks ago, my husband graduated with a Master of Engineering degree and my sister in law C graduated with her Bachelor of Arts degree. I am so proud of them 🙂

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3. Visited California for the first time definitely had to rank at the top of my list! I had such a good time! I would love to stay there permanently if the cost of living wasn’t so expensive. Sailing to Catalina Island for Earth Day was so amazing. Here is a pic of me at the top of the hills on Catalina Island.

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2. Reuniting in one state with my husband was one of the best moments of the year! He has had to move around the country frequently with his job for months at a time. At the beginning of the year he was stationed in California while I was living in Texas. It was the longest time we had been living in different areas. A whole 7 months! So I was overjoyed when we finally were able to move into one house again.

1. The best moment of 2012 for me hands down would be watching my mom ring the bell at the local cancer center to signify for her last treatment and getting the call that she was cancer free!!! I still remember what I was doing (getting dental work done) when we found out. I was shouting hooray even though my mouth was hurting LOL! My mom is now healthy and back to her old self and I am so grateful to God for healing her body! Our prayers were answered. I am definitely a believer that God can heal, no matter what the prognosis looks like.

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What were the highlights of your year? As you can see I had quite a few. I can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!

Signing out for 2012!

Until next post,Brittany

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