A is for Arcade!

My hubby and I started our ABC Date Night Challenge with the letter A. We decided to split the letters up so that we each were responsible for planning 13 dates. We also have decided to pick the letters at random depending on our mood. My husband had the letter A so he decided that we would have our first date at the arcade. We had a blast!! I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. We played various games like Deal or No Deal, Ski Ball, basketball and a variety of others. My absolute  favorite part of the date was our intense air hockey competition. We played several times (7 to be exact) and at the end of the evening, I emerged victorious! Woo hoo! We were so into the game that we didn’t realize that an small audience gathered to watch the battle. I had never played air hockey before but now I am convinced that I want an air hockey table in our first home.



Quick photo opportunity at the slot machines.


My hubby is so competitive that he plays two machines at a time. Gotta love that man!

I wanted a small token to commemorate our date so we headed to the photo booth for a fun photo shoot.


Before we left to get dinner, my hubby cashed in a few of his tickets to get me a stuffed animal as a memento from our 1st ABC Date Night.

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Isn’t he cute? I’ve always wanted a dog. This one will have to do for now. I nicknamed him Oscar.

We have a host of other dates planned. You guys will have to stay tuned to see what antics we get into. Better yet, just join in on the fun. Remember to use #ABCDateNightChallenge on social networking sites like Twitter and Instagram so we can see what kind of fun dates you all come up with!

Are you up for the challenge? Do you have any fun suggestions? Leave them in the comments below!

Until next post,



  1. 08/24/2013 / 5:46 pm

    This is a great idea! I’ll definitely have to remember this for the future. Definitely keep posting these!

    • 08/24/2013 / 6:01 pm

      Thanks Sam! We have some awesome dates planned for the future so check back soon :). Thanks for reading!

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