A Ha Moments & Muses: Vol. 1

Inspiration is everywhere. It can be found in nature. It can be found when browsing the internet. It can be found in the least expected places. People can also be inspirational. Here are just a few of the a ha moments and muses from my week.

I love to start my morning off listening to inspirational people. One of my favorite motivational speakers is Kimberly Jones Pothier, better known as @realtalkkim. She definitely keeps it real as her screen name suggests but she also is very encouraging. Here is one of my favorite videos from her for the week. It discusses the difference between people who have a meaningful purpose in your life and those who are just leeching off of you. Very thought-provoking.

My husband and I went to brunch on Sunday and the restaurant had these beautiful flowers blooming at the entry way. I was so inspired by the beautiful colors. Its something about flowers that make me smile. Then as I was scrolling through my feed on Instagram, I came across an inspirational quote about flowers.

“A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.”

This picture and this quote inspired me to continue striving to be the best version of me that I can be. There is no need in striving to be a beautiful blue bonnet when I was created to be a beautiful sunflower. So I might as well bloom where I am planted and live out my own destiny.

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Some time at the beginning of the week I came across a video shared by @BronzeGoddess01 on YouTube. You can check it out here: video. It’s entitled “Real Talk: I want a million subbies like…”. She made some great points in her video. I am going to try not to spoil it because I would rather you watch it for yourself. Basically she discussed the importance of enjoying where you are in life and why we shouldn’t covet another person’s life. She primarily spoke about YouTube vloggers in the video but her message could easily be applied to bloggers as well. Sometimes we get caught up in the numbers game. We focus on how many subscribers/readers we have, the site traffic, the Google ranking, etc and forget why we even started blogging or vlogging in the first place. We definitely need to take the time reevaluate why we started our journey. Was it  to attract millions of readers or was it to share your interests. We should not look at the numbers as a way to gage our success. Please do watch the video. It’s very inspiring!

I must admit I have been suffering from major hair frustration. So what do you do when you can’t figure out YouTube is filled with hundreds of hair tutorials and hair styling videos. After spending hours upon hours of watching videos to figure out ways to style my hair I came to the conclusion that…my hair is never going to look like the ladies in these videos. I had to come to terms with that. So you may be wondering what’s so inspiring about that? Well now I have been inspired to figure out what works for my low density, tightly coiled hair. For the next few weeks I get to tap into my creativity and discover ways to style and care for my hair. I’m hoping that it will continue to grow in the process. Say a prayer for my sanity 🙂

Did you have an a ha moment this week? Did someone inspire you or did you inspire someone else? Let us know in the comments below!

Also if you would like to see more posts about my weekly a ha moments or weekly musings, be sure to like this post.


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