3 Reasons Get off the Busy Bandwagon before 2020

“Sorry I can’t make it. I’m busy that day.”
We’ll have to catch up when I can find some free time”
“I have so much on my plate right now.”
” I would love to but I will have to check my schedule to see if I’m free.”

I cannot tell you how many times I have used these phrases in the past 7 months. Unfortunately, “booked and busy” has become the new normal in today’s society. While many people are out here trying to secure the notorious bag, others are simply busy with trying to manage their day to day responsibilities. No matter the reason , I believe there are benefits to why we all should stop worshipping busyness and start living a better life today.

1. Time is something that you will NEVER get back!

busyTime is the most valuable commodity that we have. The hours, minutes, and seconds we spend each day doing trivial things will never return. My eyes were opened to the value of time while working on an oncology unit during my second year as a Registered Nurse. I cared for a variety of cancer patients, many of them were terminally ill.

I had many conversations with these patients about end of life issues. I never had one dying patient tell me that they wished they spent more time working, worrying, or sleeping in my 13 months of caring for that population. In fact, almost all of them told me that they wished they spent more time with their loved ones or had the chance to complete a major item on their bucket list. Some lived a life with no regrets but the majority of these people regretted the life events that they missed out on in the past or  important future events like births of grandchildren, weddings they would not be present for, and graduations that they would miss after they passed away.  Those 13 months were life changing.   It made me very particular about how I managed my time and who I shared my time with.

2. Busyness can have a huge impact on relationships.


It is said that people make time for the things that are important to them. What message are we sending to our significant other, friends, and loved ones if we are constantly telling them that we are too busy to hang out or don’t have the time to talk? At some point, they may begin to feel like they are not an important part of your life. No one likes to feel as if they are being left on the back burner. After a while that loved one may stop reaching out. The once thriving relationship may begin to become strained or even worse, it may end.

Don’t get me wrong, I realize that adulting is very time consuming but there are 24 whole hours in a day, my friend. We can all set aside at least 5 minutes a day to connect with someone we love even if its just to call them, text them, or set a date to meet up for coffee.  Find a way to let them know you care.

3. Busyness can have a huge impact on your physical and mental health.


Minimal work life balance is a guaranteed recipe for disaster for your health. Studies have shown that busy people are at an increased risk for becoming stressed out. Stress causes the hormone cortisol to be released in your body which can trigger your digestive and immune system to clock out   because they feel overwhelmed and under appreciated.  Also, it is likely that you’ll need caffeine to fuel that booked and busy lifestyle. Too much caffeine can negatively affect your heart, can cause headaches, irritability, insomnia and even anxiety. Raise your hand if you maintain your healthy diet and exercise regimen when you are extremely busy… I’ll wait.   If you are anything like me, eating out becomes a way of life when I’m too tired to meal prep and cook after a busy day and walking becomes the only source of exercise. We must prioritize our health over making money moves.

So now you may be asking yourself, what can I do to fix this before the new year? I’ve got you covered.

There are a few simple things you can do to escape the bandwagon of busyness.

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In the infamous words of Auntie Maxine- reclaim your time friends!

This mission if you choose to accept will be challenging but you can do it. Baby steps, SMS Community.

Baby step 1: Create a realistic schedule to manage your lifestyle. Prioritize yourself, your physical and mental health depends on it. Ensure you get some much needed me time. I’ve found that waking up earlier usually allows me to have a few hours uninterrupted to focus on the things that I love. I can exercise, binge watch YouTube, read, surf social media, deep condition my hair, etc. without having to worry about anyone needing anything in that moment. It helps me get focused and relaxed for the day ahead.  Next, figure out tasks that you can delegate to others and find schedule items you can eliminate altogether. Schedule time to visit with your friends and family as well.  Treat these appointments like you would a doctor appointment or work meeting. Don’t back out at the last minute.  Once you find a schedule that works, stick to it for a few months. Make adjustments as needed. Remember, the goal is to get off the busy bandwagon not to extend the ride.

Baby step 2: Become comfortable with the word NO.  Don’t feel guilty saying no to things that you don’t want to do like attending that event or working that extra shift to cover for a colleague.  There is a fine line between being helpful and being a complete pushover that people  take advantage of. It’s okay to have defined boundaries. I will admit I used to have that people pleasing spirit. I’ve gotten really good at saying no in the past 5 years. Now I hand out NOs like Oprah. You get a no,  you get a no, and you get a no! Everyone gets a no. Don’t waste your precious time and energy on something you will regret later.

Baby step 3: Find work-life balance. I read an article recently that was anti-overtime. It sounded really crazy at first but it made a lot of sense. We should all strive to be productive during the hours that we are being paid to work. This means you have to limit your chat time with Susan and Mark to lunch time only.  Once the end of the shift arrives, it’s arrivederci! Head home or go do something you enjoy!  Leave any remaining tasks until the next day. Definitely don’t take work home with you. Entrepreneurs, this  applies to you as well. Create a timeframe for productivity so that you are not working 20 hours a day.

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Photo credit: Manny Pantoja

Now who’s ready to leave the busy bandwagon with me? Come on sis! Let’s go bro! Let’s manage our time well in 2020!


  1. Joanna P. Callaway
    08/25/2020 / 12:02 pm

    Crazy how you posted this BEFORE the craziness went down in 2020! I can’t agree with you more. <3

    • Brittany
      10/22/2020 / 5:23 am

      I know! We didn’t even have a choice to get off the busy bandwagon with the craziness lol. That ride is shut down.

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