It’s a sad day in the USA!

As I was leaving work this afternoon, I glanced over at the TV in the waiting room in the emergency room. And then it happened…. CNN aired an instant replay of the bombings at the Boston Marathon. The footage stopped me in my tracks. Honestly, I think I was in shock for a few minutes.  I immediately had flashbacks of that tragic day back in 2001 when I heard the news of airplanes flying into the World Trade Centers in NYC. My heart sank and it still feels very heavy at this moment. As I drove home, I kept thinking why are people so evil? Why do cowards feel the need to make everyone else as miserable as they are? So many innocent victims….such a senseless act!

What broke my heart even more was to see the pictures of marathon runners who literally had their legs blown off while crossing the finish line! What should have been a celebratory moment immediately turned into a moment filled with panic, fear, pain, shear terror!! You can check out one of the photos here -if you have a strong stomach. It was supposed to be a joyous holiday in Boston. But now because of some random perpetrator it will be overshadowed by traumatic injuries and death. God help this nation! It’s truly a sad day in the USA.

Thank God for the first responders and good samaritans who stepped in to help those injured. They definitely helped restore my faith that there is still some good left in humanity. My prayers go out to all the victims, survivors, and families affected by this atrocity. My prayers also goes out to the citizens of Boston. Your peaceful city was turned upside down today and life as you know it most likely has changed.

finish-line race

What are your thoughts about today’s events? Leave them in the comments below!

Until next post,





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